The Original Pilgrim Mother - special guest during the Jubilee days

SrJohanna-Maria_2014.jpgThe worldwide apostolate of the Rosary Campaign began with Deacon John Pozzobon and the original image of the Pilgrim MTA. This presence image of this image is one of the highlights of the International Jubilee Pilgrimage. The “Mater Peregrina” from John Pozzobon has a protagonic role in bringing Schoenstatt closer to the heart of the Church. Sr. Johanna-Maria Helmich, one of the responsibles for the Covenant Tent “Church”, tells us about the International Pilgrim Mother Campaign and its great missionary power.


1. Sr. Johanna-Maria, the so-called original Pilgrim Mother will be in Schoenstatt for the Jubilee pilgrimage in October. In South America, this image enjoys great veneration. What is so special, so precious, about it?

The most precious is certainly the fullness of life processes it symbolizes! The picture is like a confluence of very strong, authentic streams, which have their source in the shrine. One of these streams is the impressive, heroic apostolic life and work of the Deacon Joao Pozzobon, who founded worldwide apostolate of the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt with his "Mãe Peregrina".  In 35 years he walked a total of 140,000 km, carrying the 11 kg. Pilgrim Shrine on the left shoulder. He visited with his "Peregrina" rich and poor, healthy and sick, young and old ... - simply everyone! He left no one out.

Another strong process of life that connects with this picture is the intensive growth of the action begun by Deacon Pozzobon across all continents. We are working together with more than 50 countries on our presentation for the Jubilee. There are many other countries with which we haven’t had contact, due to the newness of the Campaign there and therefore the lack of a central organization. Overall a wealth of cultures and mentalities, which are immersed in the same stream of life, are motivated and inspired by him. This is a strength, and enormous potential for the Church of our times.

The Original “Peregrina” is one of the strongest missionaries symbols in Schoenstatt.

2. This image gave origin to the Pilgrim Mother Campaign; to what extent will this be a topic during the celebrations?

In our area within the Covenant Tent "Church" it is all about the various facets of this blessed action. We will encounter an impressive variety of projects and apostolic initiatives: pastoral, social and charitable, missionary initiatives according to the faith and life situation of a country. We cannot show all the existing projects, but what will be seen will awaken great hope and missionary inspiration. The Pilgrim Mother Campaign is present in approximately 100 countries; it counts with over 200000 images that reach out to millions of people. The deep mystery of this worldwide initiative will be presented in a new video that was made especially for the jubilee. The name of the video – which will be available in 7 languages – is: “Hero is he who consecrate his life to something great.” It gives insight in João Pozzobon’s life and the power of the Campaign for the Church and society.

3. Where do you think the success and wide scope of the Rosary Campaign lie?

It lies on the person of the Blessed Mother. She has chosen the Schoenstatt Shrine to distribute from there God’s graces. But this is not enough! She is not at rest until her range is wide enough so that everyone has an opportunity to open the door for her and let her and her Son in their lives. Of course she needs for helping hands and feet to carry out her mission - the missionaries of today: people who can look at her and let themselves be challenged by her to carry her image into the focal points of life. People like Joao Pozzobon, who constantly ask themselves: How can I help today so that many open their homes for Christ and Mary? How can I be there for my neighbor, to serve them, so that body and soul can have what is necessary for life and growth? The MTA herself and her missionaries – this is the nucleus of the Pilgrim MTA’s action.

4. What else is planned for the celebrations? Does the founder of the Campaign play a special role during these days?

The main focus of our work is the encounter with Joao Pozzobon’s original Pilgrim Mother and with him as a man who knew how to live his Covenant of Love in faithfulness. This is the source of his strength and his influence. He wanted to be a second Joseph Engling for Brazil and it is clear that he achieved this. His goal was: “We want to bring peace to the people and bring them joy through a mutual reconciliation.”

We will offer times of prayer in the nearness of the image: The Angelus and an international Rosary for the intentions of Pope Francis. The rest of the time is destined to silent prayer and eventually, group encounters.

One of the highlights is the Eucharistic celebration, presided by Archbishop Emeritus Robert Zollitsch and representatives of the Pallottine Fathers (Fr. Martin Manus, SAC, General Council, Rome) and the Schoenstatt Movement (Fr. Heinrich Walter, Chairman of the General Praesidium). The theme of the Mass will be the words of St. Vincent Pallotti of central importance for Fr. Kentenich and the Rosary Campaign: “She is the Great Missionary. She will work miracles.”

Joao Luiz Pozzobon has proven to be a bridge builder, his entire life he remained as a faithful member of the Schoenstatt Movement, deeply united to the Pallottines in Santa Maria.

We will also offer Joao Pozzobon’s pilgrim way. This is available in eight languages during the entire jubilee celebration.


5. The Original Pilgrim MTA will have its place in the University of Theology of the Pallottine Fathers as part of the Church Tent. There, all pilgrims can enjoy a time of prayer. What is your wish for all who come visit the image of grace?

That which we have experienced ourselves during this time of preparation: to feel touched by the MTA as we contemplate her and enter in contact with her; an international experience that goes beyond language, social, and cultural barriers and that achieves a non-verbal relationship that awakens our missionary spirit and that makes us aware of our commitment to the Church and world.